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30th May 2024

All we know about the new Enhanced Jobseeker’s Benefit

Kat O'Connor

Changes are set to be made to Jobseeker’s Benefit in Ireland

Legislation for the enhanced Jobseeker’s Benefit payment has been brought before the Dáil.

Minister for Social Protection Heather Humphreys believes Jobseeker’s Benefit should be pay-related.

The legislation “will ensure that people with a strong work history receive enhanced benefits if they lose their employment”.

The pay-related benefit will apply to “new, fully unemployed people who have a strong and recent attachment to the labour market, and who are available for and genuinely seeking employment”.

The change is welcome by many, but others may see an increase in PRSI later this year.

Speaking about the changes, Minister Humphreys explained the reason for the changes.

“Under these major reforms, people who have a strong work history and who have contributed to the system via their PRSI will receive higher benefits if they find themselves out of work.

“We have one flat rate at the minute of €220, what I’m proposing is if you found yourself unemployed that you would get a payment that is commensurate with the length of time you have been working.”

New Jobseeker’s Benefit rates

People who have made at least five years of PRSI contributions will receive a maximum of €450 or 60% of their prior income.

This rate will then be paid for the first three months.

The second rate of €375 or 55% of your prior income will be paid for the following three months.

€300 or 50% of your previous income will be paid for the final three months.

Humphreys said this scheme would prevent people from suffering “that cliff edge drop in their income” following job loss.

