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30th May 2024

The new National Children’s Hospital is facing further delays and won’t meet October deadline

Sophie Collins

National Children's Hospital

The new children’s hospital is facing more delays

The National Children’s Hospital was scheduled for completion at the end of October this year, however, the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) will today be told this is not going to be possible.

In February 2023, the government gave the go-ahead for the €2.24bn project, however, a statement from the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board explained that ongoing delays are driving up costs.

Today, the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board will advise the PAC that the hospital will not meet its scheduled completion date at the end of October.

In response to the latest delays, Sinn Fein TD, Brian Stanley said they will be looking for answers as to why there are so many setbacks.

“What we’re hoping for is some answers in relation to what the completition date is for this hospital,” he said.

“We know now that it has overun the original period by sabout four years.

“This hospital is badly needed, the public understand that, children need to be treated and need to be treated in a timely manner.

“The fact that we don’t have a modern children’s hospital has hampered that.”

He went on to say: “This cost has moved upwards and upwards and upwards,” he said.

“We know have €2.24 billion committed by Government to this project in terms of completion and fit out.

“The costs continue to rise, we need to know how far that’s going to go.”

While there are concerns over how much more the cost will be driven up if delays continue, the contractor leading the project, BAM, said its main focus is on delivering the Children’s Hospital.

